- JANUARY 2021
Dr.-Ing. Börne Rensing appointed new CEO at Wieland Electric
The Bamberg-based Wieland Electric GmbH has appointed Dr.-Ing. Börne Rensing as its new CEO. As technical CEO, Dr. Rensing will focus on the areas of development and production and will manage the company's fortunes together with Bernd P. Uckrow.
With over 20 years of industrial professional experience in management positions, Börne Rensing brings practical experience in the areas of development, production and sales. Dr. Rensing is married and has three children.
He graduated in mechanical engineering from RWTH Aachen University, where he also received his doctorate in 2004. Since the early 2000s, he has held several management positions: as a corporate consultant and project manager with well-known German automotive OEMs, as a division manager in a medium-sized electric drive technology company, as a production division manager at HILTI, and as a managing director focusing on technology and sales in a family-run mechanical engineering business
Marketing Communication
Alexander Viertmann
Communications Manager
Brennerstraße 10 – 14
96052 Bamberg · Germany
E-Mail: communications@wieland-electric.com
Phone: +49 (951) 9324 - 316