Social commitment
committed to our home
Our home is dear to our hearts. As one of Bamberg's major partners, we would like to make things happen in the region's social, cultural and sports scene.

Dedicated to a community spirit in sporting activities
Active in the World Heritage running event – and not only as a sponsor. With an own running team, some of our employees train after work in order to ultimately compete in the race themselves. At the annual Bamberg company indoor soccer tournament, we make a difference with financial support and a successful Wieland lineup.

Responsible for our employees
In our company, we seek to provide a helping hand to parents. In doing so, we assume sponsorship of the "Bamberg Holiday Adventure”. At early-booking conditions, we enable the children of our employees to go on a guided adventure holiday. Our employees are also dedicated to volunteer work, e.g. as labor arbitrators, in volunteer fire departments or in community service and charitable associations. We support these activities to demonstrate, as a reliable partner, our social and cultural commitment the community.